Friday, May 20, 2016

Refreshment Please!

I often joke with people who say I have my hands full (Of kids) that an extra arm should grow, so that you don't have more kids than arms.
That would look atrocious. But it would be SOO handy!
Today was one of those days where things got a little nuts. Children were super tired, cranky, teething... and so on. I was about to call Nathaniel to come help, but I realized he forgot his phone. 
I told myself that this was fine, I could handle this by myself, I've done it before. But then I thought about my neighbor. On a whim I knocked on her door (They share our wall, and their door is only maybe six feet from ours don't worry!), and asked her to help me for a couple of minutes while I got the kids settled down. She was SO sweet and an extra set of hands was a huge help! I am so, so grateful. She even said how glad she was that I asked. Oh and did I mention she moved my laundry along for me? 
Trust me, Cookies will be baking soon as a thank you. 
It reminded me of a verse that I have highlighted in bright yellow, in my Bible. 
Philemon 1: 7
'Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God's people.'

Kindness refreshes hearts!!! It truly was so refreshing to be the recipient of her kindness and the more I thought of it the more I realize how much an act of kindness can affect someone. Even reading something, or seeing a video ABOUT acts of kindness has a refreshing effect on me. You know when it's summer and you've been outside and your sweating buckets and (in my case) look like a stewed tomato? Then you get a glass of cold water and it's like the best thing you've ever tasted? Yeah, that's refreshing. After that glass of water you are ready to go back out there again and keep going. 
Be that for someone. Help someone to keep going. 
Refreshment Please! 

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