Saturday, February 27, 2016

A Silent Freight Train

Do you ever have phases where every time you look at the calendar you do a double take? What?! How is February already ending? Where did the time go? Just one year ago we were surprised by finding out we were having a baby. Now I'm holding a four month old in my arms. My oldest daughter will be five at the end of April and my son will be three next month. 
Time is a like a sneaky, silent freight train. 
You can feel it passing but it's just like wind on your face and you don't realize until you look up that the cars are flying past you and there is nothing you can do to stop it. So much happens in such a small amount of time. 
We are still in the midst of this change. At times I get overwhelmed and I have to pile it all back at God's feet and lift up my hands in surrender. 
I will be the first to admit that trust doesn't come easily to me. And why? Has God ever let me down? No. All I know is that whenever I doubt, and worry, instead of patronizing me He always comforts me. Reassures me. 
We are working on support raising as we get ready to go back on the mission field and as I see the stark difference in the $2200 a month we will need in Hawaii with our three children and the small amount we needed back when it was just the two of us in Panama, my first reaction is fear. I'm just being honest. 
Then I get those gentle reminders from God that HE is in control. And as much as I like to have things under control,it is a huge weight off my shoulders to put it in His capable hands. His will be done. Not mine. Tonight this verse was one of His loving reminders to me. 

19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19 NIV)

Yes. I DO perceive it. And I know he will make a way. No, I do not consider North Carolina a wasteland! Ha. But yes the constant moving around these last two years has been wearing. I am so ready be in one place for a while. In all this I am so grateful for the streams in the wilderness.  The friends we have made, the experiences we've had, our family. 
As time goes chugging silently by, I'll try to admire each moment, each train car, and remember it. And be thankful for it. Not worrying. But living. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Salt and Light

Seasons change, life changes, people change... We have gone through so many changes this last year, and as 2016 starts, we find ourselves rolling with the tides of change once again. On March 8th we will be hopping another plane, headed back to the University of the Nations in Kona Hawaii! I prayed for favor when looking for our plane tickets, and God did even better than just giving us a good price for tickets (we found a great price!), but we also found out that our miles covered two tickets! So blessed and thankful. Last time when we flew to HI it was with two little kids in tow. This time, we have three!

In September of 2015 Nathaniel finished the film school and internship at the U of N, and when we return we will both be staff with this school. I have no experience working with film but I can help in the areas of mentoring or administration. As we have described the vision of being in the film industry, and working with people who are in that field and do not yet know who Jesus is, the word that we are called to be Salt to the Earth and Light to the World is brought up over and over. This is what the School of Digital Film making is all about. Teaching people how to be good at what they do, but also how to be in that industry, making a positive influence on those they work with. Also how to make good quality films that reflect Godly values. Being staff, Nathaniel will get the chance to gain even more experience working in film and of course help the students as well. Our plan is to be there a year and from there, who knows!? Psalms 119:105 'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.' If you think about it, a lamp doesn't shine very far ahead, but it shows you your next steps, and that is just what we need. Because when we know God is guiding our steps, then we know we will end up in the right place. Our journey is never boring and sometimes challenging, but it's exciting to be traveling in the will of God.

Here is where I ask for prayer. Please pray for our trip back. This is about 18 hours of traveling and will be Alinah's first time flying so... lots of prayer is needed! Also prayer for grace as we transition once again. We will miss being with my mom and dad and closer to family. The kids especially will have to adjust again to the different time zone and living quarters and that can be rough. Nathaniel will need to find a job on top of everything, and we will be looking for a car and eventually an apartment off campus. Another prayer request we have is for more monthly supporters. The more financial support we have, the more Nathaniel will be able to focus full time on the ministry and developing new projects.
We have been so grateful for the support and love we have received during this time we have spent back on the mainland. It has been such a good time for us to adjust to being a family of five and for our kids to get to know my parents better. It was also really special to be able to have our baby here, with my mom delivering. As hard as it is to leave, we are really excited about getting back into the ministry, and settling into our new routine. It's always a new adventure and we love to take you guys with us though the journey. It's always amazing to see what God is going to do next and such a privilege to be able to be a part of it! I pray that in this new year you will see God's blessings each day. Each day is a new start and His mercies are new every morning!

Blessings from the Tracy Family!
Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Kaleigh, Gideon, and Alinah

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