Monday, January 4, 2016

Dimly Lit City

I'm sitting here and it is quiet.

No big deal you say? Ohhhh but if only I had a sound recording of the constant chatter, laughing, screaming, yelling, crying and scolding that goes on in this house. Sometimes I wish I could wear ear plugs around the house and live in ignorant bliss! But now that would be irresponsible. So thankful for a moment of silence while baby sleeps and Hubby is out with the kids. I am wondering if he could see me slowly going insane? Nah.

This last month I have been thinking about the name we chose for baby A. Her name means 'Shining Light of Life'. We don't just chose our names on a whim, we pray about it and talk about it together. This will be their name all of their life and God will call them by this name! It is a big deal to us. I kept coming back to the name meaning 'Shining Light'. We picked the variation of that name that we liked the best and then started the search for her middle name. My husband found it, and I was excited. It was perfect! In so many ways I feel her name is a prophesy in itself. I imagine her shining God's light to every one. Of course I was more imagining that this would happen as she got older and grew to love God. But even now she brings such joy to so many people!

Maybe people in North Carolina like babies more than people in Wisconsin... no I don't think that's it. Maybe it's been so long since I carried a tiny baby around that I forgot what it's like. That's possible. But everywhere I go it seems that someone stops me to comment on how beautiful A is, how small she is, "I thought you were carrying a doll!", how sweet, how precious, such a gift...
It's amazing! I really feel as though I am stopped twice as often with this baby than I ever was with the other two. Of course my other two kids were super cute and adorable and I love them to death. But I really do feel as though there is something about little A that just shines. She brings joy to people. Unless she has gas. Then she is REALLY grumpy.

Babies naturally draw attention. They remind people of new life, that life goes on, that God still does miracles (if babies aren't miracles, I don't know what is!), and they make people remember. For some people they are painful memories but for most I believe it brings joyful memories. I hope so. I see joy on people's faces as they look at Little A. I think babies naturally shine God's light. If we were to truly surrender to God and let his light pierce through our darkness and pour out of us, then people would be drawn to that light. I know people who just seem to shine with the love of God! And people are drawn to that. I want to to shine! Not so people see me, but so they see God's light, hope and love. If I am always thinking of myself. (Which I am ashamed to admit that I am often doing just that), then God's light in my will be very dim. 
"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14 NASB
Imagine someone  tired and weary, they have been driving for hundreds of miles and know if they don't get some gas soon they will be out and then they will be stuck. They keep praying for help and for a town and then they see, up on a hill, the dimmest of lights. Could that be it? Is that really a town? It doesn't look like anyone really lives there. Feeling helpless, they drive on. 
Sure, it was a town, it was a city on a hill. But that city was so focused inward that the shining light of hope was but a dim flicker. How often is our light just a flicker. How easily can Satan just "phh" it out? 

'This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine. 
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine. 
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine. 
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!'

Lord let your light so shine in my life, and the lives of my family that people see rays of hope! Pierce through the darkness in this world and bring life!