Thursday, March 31, 2016

So Much Grace

On the morning of the 30th, right before we caught our bus to O'Hare, little Alinah coughed so much she puked. In her car seat. This is how our travel day started. Awesome. 
The poor baby had caught the cough that her siblings have and on top of the runny nose she already had, it was making her miserable. For the last couple days I had been praying and praying that the kids would get better for the trip and that it would all go well. I knew the first two flights I would be alone with the girls until we met up with Nathaniel in SFO. (Things got a little mixed up when we changed flights). 
The kids didn't get better. And Alinah seemed to be getting worse. I was starting to be terrified of how the trip would go. I prayed and prayed. I felt God tell me to put it all in His hands and so I did. Over and over because I kept picking up on worrying again. 
'Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its self'. 
I still did. But I tried really hard not to! Just being honest. So the morning puke session added to my worry. (She had also done the same thing the night before). Every time Alinah would start to cough I'd grab a blanket hoping that if she threw up I could catch it. She made it through most of the trip until the very last part of our last plane ride. But on that flight they actually had those little blankets for free on the plane, and I was able to catch the majority of it in that and just toss it.  
Back to the beginning...After we got through security and I was internally panicked thinking I should throw the double stroller in the trash while I still had the chance, things started looking up. Our flight was booked, except for the one seat between Kaleigh and I. You want to see a picture of grace? Here it is. 
Oh thank you Jesus for an older daughter who travels like a pro and is super helpful. Also thank you for that extra seat! It helped me to settle down. Ok God, you weren't joking. You've got this. Oh also the people God sent to help me with our stroller! Thank you, thank you! What would I have done? I thought I could handle it and He knew I couldn't so he sent dads and flight attendants and luggage crew workers. SO MUCH GRACE. Meeting back with Nathaniel was such a relief. Their flight went well, and Gideon came hopping out of the gate. One last flight. And you know what? You guessed it. MORE grace. We had two extra seats. I was praying and hoping for a miraculous healing, but instead God gave us the grace to glide through the trip and come out on top. God doesn't always answer the way we are hoping but He won't leave you alone either. 
When we shared with a couple of churches I said that a good prayer support team is essential to any ministry. I could feel those prayers helping us through. Thank you so much for praying. The kids are still coughing but I think we are near the end of this thing. It is such a great feeling when you finally arrive where you feel God has called you. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Road Trippin'

Knowing a road trip was ahead of us, I have to say I was nervous. Especially with a four and a half month old baby along for the ride. During our trip I knew for sure people where praying because the kids did so well on our 15 hour drive up to Wisconsin! We were packed in like sardines, but we had zero car problems, and the kids were content for most of the trip. Made it to Wisconsin in record time, with one stop in Ohio where we got to spend a little time with my sister. It was beautiful to drive through the Blue ridge Mountains as the sun was coming up. This picture does not really capture the gorgeous sunrise, but at least I tried! God is a great artist for sure. 


This is how Gideon kept himself occupied during the trip:

He 'shot' everything from Ohio to Wisconsin and I'm sorry to say they probably have no trees left and many cows and horses were 'injured' along the way. Such a funny kid. 

We arrived in Beloit, WI on Friday. Then on Saturday we went up to Wisconsin Rapids (Another 2 1/2 hour drive which felt like nothing after the last trip) to stay with Nathaniel's Aunt and Uncle and speak at their church the following morning. 
Pastor Milt at Baker Street Community Church was so kind to let us come and share with them what we will be doing in Hawaii. We had a great time there and we are now back in Beloit, resting from all the driving! 
Thank you again for all the prayers!