Being a stay at home mom is rewarding in so many ways, and what I always wanted. So last night as I chased G (2 years old) through the cafeteria here at the University of the Nations in Kona, (He loves to chase the birds and often runs too far and I have to bring him back so I can see him), I struggled with the battle that every mother faces. Being consistent. I told him to come to me and he looked at me and turned to run the opposite way. I quickly caught up to him and gave a reminder that he needed to listen and brought him back to me.
Later after we were done eating a woman came up to me and said, "You don't know me, but I was sitting there as you corrected your son and I was so encouraged, because you were being consistent! You are being a good mommy and I just wanted to encourage you because I know mom's don't often get encouraged. I am a mom of four and I have been in the same situation." (This is paraphrased a bit because I don't remember word for word what she said, but that was the gist of it). I thanked her for being so kind and for sharing that with me and went back to my table.
She has no idea how close I came to sobbing in her arms and saying thank you. She couldn't hear the battle in my head as my son defied me and I almost kept nagging him to come because I felt too tired to run after him. But I chose to be consistent so he would learn to listen the first time. I am so glad I did.
I contemplated then why I was so tired, not just physically (being three months pregnant contributes to that of course) but also mentally? If I am 'just' watching my children day in and day out, why am I so tired?
Because I am not just watching my children. I am training my children how to live life. How to handle their emotions, how to treat others with respect and love, how to take care of the earth that God gave them, and above everything else, how to love God and to follow Him. This is no small task. And it weighs on my shoulders, and on my heart that this is a huge responsibility God has given me.
But the real reason why I am so exhausted, is because I have been trying to do it alone. That is what God spoke to me. I have been trying to train them with my own strength and getting frustrated when they didn't seem to get what I was trying to teach them. And God just whispered to me that I am not alone, I need His help and His guidance. When I have no energy, His joy can be MY strength. When I can't think of what do to with the kids, I can talk to a God who is beyond creative! I wasn't using my greatest resource! Pinterest just wasn't cutting it. But my God is full of ideas, and knows my kids even better than I do. He is after all the One who created them. It took so much of that weight off of my shoulders, and off of my heart. If I let God work through me, my kids will be taught by the best. I hold on to this promise;
Proverbs 22:6 'Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.' NKJV
Moms, we are not in this alone. Use your best resource! God beats Google and Pinterest hands down. Although trust me, some of those Pinterest ideas were God inspired I'm sure! Thank you God for that website. :) I will trust in the one who knows me and my kids better than anyone else.
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